Songwriters Resource Network

Songwriters Resource Network is a trusted news and education resource for songwriters, song lyricists and music composers.

The mission of Songwriters Resource Network is to inform and empower songwriters by providing reliable information about all aspects of songwriting, lyric writing, composition and music publishing.

Our goal is to help aspiring songwriters improve their songwriting craft, find contacts and opportunities, and succeed in the music business.

Songwriters Resource Network provides:

* Up-to-date and informative articles on the craft and business of song writing
* Educational and networking opportunities to help songwriters open doors in the music business
* Events to promote and celebrate the art of song writing, lyric writing and music composition


Songwriters Resource Network is composed of professional-level songwriters, recording artists, song publishers, music producers, songwriting educators and music-industry professionals. Each supports nonprofit organizations for songwriters. Each shares their songwriting expertise and experience to help talented, motivated songwriters. (SRN Mission Statement)

Songwriters Resource Network is free to songwriters, lyricists and composers. No membership is required.


* Helpful tips on how to write songs and market your music. Educational articles on lyric and song writing.
* Hundreds of music-industry contacts, including song publishers seeking great songs and music
* Free ads for songwriters seeking music producers and song publishers
* Free ads for song lyricists seeking music composers and composers seeking skilled lyricists
* Tips and articles on how to get heard. Advice on how to connect with established song publishers
* How to find opportunities in film, television and advertising
* How to copyright songs and copyright music.
* How to find song writing and music publishing opportunities
* How to find song writing partners, song publishers, music producers and recording artists
* Opportunities to get your songs heard: Recommended songwriting contests, annual Lyric Writing contest and Instrumental competition for music composers


Songwriters Resource Network provides educational tools to help talented, motivated songwriters find success in the music business.

The actual work of promoting your music and marketing your songs, however, is up to you.

Nobody is likely to undertake the demanding job of marketing songs for songwriters who lack basic understanding of how the music business works. Songwriters must be willing to market their own songs to be successful.


Talent and skills are necessary to achieve success as a songwriter, a lyricist or a music composer. However, educating yourself about the music business, building a support network and learning to market your songs are equally important.

Look around this website. Study articles that relate to your specific interests in song writing. Learn about music publishing and the music business. Find opportunities to network with other songwriters, musicians, lyricists and music composers.

Reach out to people who can help you. Create opportunities to show your work. Let people know your song writing goals. Listen to suggestions and learn from feedback you receive.

To become a professional songwriter, devote as much time and energy to songwriting as you would to any other profession. After all, it's no easier to become a songwriter than it is to become a teacher, car mechanic, dental hygienist or pilot. Each requires applied study, aptitude and commitment.

Finally, whether you write songs for personal enjoyment or professional ambition, your musical voice and your songs are uniquely your own. Only you can give them life.

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