Is Conformism Killing Music?

I look around me and the Desi music industry is full of sheep...WHY? Where is our Bob Marley, Our Beatles, Our Biggie or Tupac for gods sake!!

What do you think? When I'm in love with my roots and desi culture its the greatest feeling on earth - But other times my roots and culture make me angry - to be exact its the Conformism in desi culture that gets my creative blood boiled.

I meet producers, artists, etc all the time and they name check artists famous for being innovative, looking different, creating new ways of doing music and cite them as hero's....then when I look at their own art I am struck by how conservative it is and how sheep like they are in their own does my head in!!!

One only has to look at 90% of Bollywood to see that desi culture and art is mostly (not exclusively) about following and NOT bucking the trend....Damn most Bhangra producers look up to original artists then come out with an album which sounds like the other 99% of albums out that year (they even rerecord the same songs again!) and make videos without an ounce of creativity......(or worse - videos that look good but were done first in the non-desi world in the early nineties!)..

..What is it??? Is it just us? Do our roots and culture make us conformist sheep??? I am slowly coming to the conclusion that YES it is exactly that....someone help me please I'm having a periodic cynical depressive attack on the very music and people I have dedicated my life to since I was fifteen...(Boo Hoo)

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