Good music

Music is the expression of Baik.Menari music with the physical. Often, a musical work is done occasionally when instrumentation and resultant structure satisfactory; However, when done, more and more from time to time, it can be increased and changed with the appearance in some way either during exercise or improvisation. Improvisation is the idea or the idea that music terciptakan immediately (such as solo guitar or drum solo), with no thought or preparation beforehand, while the exercise is a repetition of ideas or ideas to the music to have a cohesion. A musisisi generally do well with improvisation. Music known as the inspiration relaxsasi mind and tranquility in the brain while the music associated with the spiritual life. Music is one of the components is very important in our lives, which is known to this day as inspiration. Bob Marley is one where the players said in a verse of "When the music mengenamu, you do not feel sick." Details include strongly in the music notation varies in style and period. In general, art music notation from the 17th century to the 19th century require players have a lot of knowledge about the style or the way in performance art. Now we have been able to expand creativity in connection with the technology, which experienced many changes.

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