Music RAP

Most books, pictures and Events historians say that in a Rap / created in the Bronx, but this is not entirely correct. Rap United States that it is now starting around 1970 in the Boogie Down Bronx. To understand the overall, we must return to the past: Starting in the African Gospel ..
Let's return to its roots, in Africa - to more-specific tribe-tribe there enshrine them in the history of the temple, the temple ritmik and libretto. Because there are many tribes, many of the local languages and tribes of their language is often not discarded / forgotten. So, to keep the history and legends and songs they use to create ritmik. Because the white slave traders to come and separate them from their families and tribes.

African native people bring their stories and rima with the European slave traders. They (the slave traders) do not allow the slaves to speak using "Mother Language" (african native language). The slave traders are thinking that they plan to create a tumultuous. Although they dirantai. But they are allowed to sing. This makes the slaves survive and feel better. The slave women in violent and often pregnant by the crew (the adjuvant slave traders). Slave woman to be a bonus for the crew. Trips like this can take up to a month. And when there is a slave around 1000, 600-700 survivors, it is a good way. And when the slave woman pregnant, they will get a better price (because there is a baby in the womb slave women). Then the employer (slave owners) apply the same to get more slave (slave rape to pregnant women and children, the results of the act made in the slave again). They, employers even provide their guests one or two female friends to sleep ...
When they sing their work more viable because the content is nyanyiannya about where they come from and the history of their tribes. Seelanjutnya time, because employers are more software, the slaves are allowed each day holiday week. On the day of the week, the slaves went to church and sing songs of freedom. This is then changed into the Gospel choir.

When prohibited slavery, black leather still be hunted, hanging, tortured and worse. Time is of a very dark and depressing. Songs sound sad and wistful. Blues was the only one instrument and vocal with one voice that wield sad.

Several years later, they began to incorporate traditional African music with European instruments. Was born and what is called Jazz. Then Soul appear as a style that is more light and frisky than R & B.

RhyThm & Blues
When artists Blues moved from rural to urban areas, music sounds more weight and style with a more Groovy. Is the main voice in the RhyThm. Then this Rhythm and Blues (R & B), and the time it is the only type of black music. Known also by the white audience at the beginning of an 50-years old. But still strong influenced by white musicians. One of the R & B artist who is famous era Lois Jordan with the song many hits in his 40s and 50's. Fats Domino transferred them to make lyrik funny groove combined with the rapid and dynamic. It makes merka the auidiens white skin. But it is not before the mid-50's ketikas-R & B played on the radio and the music that is rock & roll. R & B at the combine with elements from Jass, Country Blues, Boogie Woogie and the Gospel.

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