Paul Gilbert 'Mr. BIG 'Degree Concert in Indonesia

For the umpteenth time, the former guitarist Mr. BIG, Paul Gilbert, will hold konsernya in Indonesia. If there are no obstacles, Gilbert will manggung in the two cities, Jakarta and Surabaya in July 2005.

For in Jakarta, the plan will be Gilbert manggung on 13 July 2005 at the Beach Festival Ancol, Jakarta. While pertunjukkannya in Surabaya will be held on 15 July 2005 at the Stadium Tambak Sari. Both this concert was organized by Total Production & Levi Yahya.

In May 2005, Gilbert will release a new album entitled Space Ship One. Rilisnya solo album will be followed by a tour around the world and Indonesia itself into a series of tours from the end of the world.

Since exit Mr.BIG, Gilbert did not lose the creativity. Former students and teachers to answer most of Technic Guitar Institute (GIT) is already spent more than two solo albums.

Honorary lecturer at the Music Institute, Tokyo, Japan is often the concerts and guitar clinics around the world. This made his name was never dull percaturan's guitarist on the board of the world

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