Ignore Travel Warning, Paul Gilbert Mantap concert in Jakarta, Surabaya

Paul Gilbert is not a name that foreigners in Indonesia. The former guitarist and music group Mr origin United States. BIG, is often mengelar guitar clinic in Indonesia. But the time it comes back to the concert.

If no obstruction (and pretty matter & terrorist bombing), Paul will perform a concert in Indonesia given the title of Paul Gilbert'2005 World Tour '. The plan will be a concert held in the two cities, Jakarta and Surabaya, in the upcoming month of July. Paul Gilbert is contradictory to say that Indonesia does not fear the country's travel warning to Indonesia.

Concert hosted by Total Production & Levi Yahya, the plan, will be held on July 13 2005 at 20:00, at the Beach Festival Ancol, Jakarta. While pertunjukkannya in Surabaya will be held on 15 July 2005, at 20:00, at the Stadium Tambak Sari.

In konsernya in Jakarta and Surabaya, Paul Gilbert will collaborate with the three-guitar band country group, such as Eet Syahrani (Edane), Abdee (Slank), and Ivan (ex Boomerang).

Eet consideration chooses, and Ivan Abdee appear with Paul Gilbert, according to Levi, thanks to input from many parties, including from a number of observers and journalists to music.

"We also plan disodorkan Ian Antono (God Bless guitarist), but when our own Ian berhalangan contact because kesibukannya," said Levi, also add, that the ticket prices for concerts in Jakarta and Surabaya, the committee determine Rp100.000 entrance ticket price.

Paul Gilbert, known as a professor of Guitar Institute of Technic (GIT) Los Angeles, USA, will also provide a clinic on the guitar musicians. Apparently teach, is another matter of interest than the play

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